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14 Juni 2021 von Ludwig Boltzmann

Buchpräsentation „A Frontline of Espionage“

For the English text, please see below. Am 23. Juni 2021 wurde im Rahmen einer Online-Präsentation das Buch „A Frontline of Espionage. Studies on Hungarian Cold War Intelligence in Austria“ vorgestellt. Die Präsentation wurde vom Institut in Kooperation mit dem Historischen Archiv der Staatssicherheitsdienste Ungarns (ABTL) in Budapest veranstaltet. Nähere Informationen können dem englischen Programm (PDF) entnommen werden.


On Wednesday, 23rd June 2021, the book „A Frontline of Espionage. Studies on Hungarian Cold War Intelligence in Austria“ was presented in an online presentation. The presentation was organized by the institute in cooperation with the Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security (ABTL) in Budapest.

Zum Buch/About the Book:

After World War II it was widely known in Europe that the redefined and democratic Austria became a crossroad of the intelligence services of the previously allied forces, now gradually confronting each other, a meeting point for intelligence and counterintelligence networks and a continuous source of recruitment of new agents. The vast number of Hungarian refugees and their political composition provided excellent opportunities to build intelligence network on both sides. In this volume Austrian, Danish and Hungarian outstanding researchers of Cold War espionage present their findings on the activity of the Hungarian communist state security intelligence officers in Austria, Germany and Denmark, the actions of Soviet counterintelligence against Hungarians in Austria, and many more topical issues. On the whole the volume gives an insight into a world, which still has numerous blurred details.

Magdolna Barath – Dieter Bacher (eds.)

A Frontline of Espionage. Studies on Hungarian Cold War Intelligence in Austria

Budapest – Pecs 2021

ISBN 978-615-6048-95-0

338 S.

Erhältlich bei/Available at:

Kronosz Publishing House, H7632 Pécs, Aidinger János u. 11. (Link)

Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security (ABTL), Eötvös u. 7, 1067 Budapest, Ungarn (Link)