„LEBENSBORN: How can artistic transformation offer a new perspective on a hidden chapter of History?“ bei der Langen Nacht der Forschung 2024

Datum und Uhrzeit

24. Mai 2024, 18:00-19:00 Uhr


Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität
Alice-Harnoncourt-Platz 1, 4040 Linz
Die Hybrid Lecture Presentation findet in der Studiobühne im Erdgeschoss statt.

Im Rahmen der Langen Nacht der Forschung 2024 ist das Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Kriegsfolgenforschung mit der Präsentation „LEBENSBORN: How can artistic transformation offer a new perspective on a hidden chapter of History?“ in Linz vertreten

How can arts-based research processes lead to new insights, personal change and transformation, and in so doing help these children, and post-war second and third generations, to find forms of expression when dealing with the burden of their Lebensborn Heritage? What constitutes a safe and brave space for open dialogues, embodied engagement, and “working-through” processes, to enable them to come to terms with their families’s histories, and to integrate the past into the present? Project Partners Dr. Lukas Schretter (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Research on Consequences of War) and Psychotherapist and Social Educator Esther Purgina engage in conversation with Artistic Researcher Darrel Toulon, sharing the insights from an intergenerational artistic workshop with performance arts Students and Lebensborn Children during a residency at the Anton Bruckner Private University.

Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt.
Lukas Schretter wird per Video zugeschaltet sein.

Zum Forschungsprojekt Lebensborn-Heim Wienerwald 1938 – 1945

Weitere Informationen
a. Foto: Helga S., Wien